Monday, March 1, 2010

One good turn

The house has taken on a familiar smell of maple and walnut and the sawdust is piled high in my husband's workshop. You see, now that he has a week's vacation, he is like an inspired energizer bunny and creating some real masterpieces in wood. By the end of this week there should be about 30 new additions to his etsy shop.

I love watching him work and so does our daughter who will sit at her workbench at one end of the shop with her own wood blocks and tools while singing to him as he is turning pens. I cannot wait to see what he brings upstairs tonight!


  1. His work is amazing, you must be so proud of him. It is dear that your daughter sings to him as well :)

  2. Oh my goodness! What absolutely stunning work. Beautiful, gorgeous woodwork. He has such a wonderful talent and I wish him every success.

    With two such talented parents, your children are certain to be filled with exceptional talent too :)


  3. what incredible work!! and it's so adorable that your daughter spends time with him in the workshop as well. I bet you can't wait to see what amazing and inspired creations she will make in the future!

  4. that man has talent! gorgeous pieces!

  5. It all looks so pretty! I bet the sawing smells really good as well!
    I used to love spend time with my dad while he was working, these memories will last a lifetime xo!

  6. Beautiful! I can smell the wood shavings! Very talented household.

  7. You have such beautiful jewelry in your Etsy shop! Feel free to follow us at :)
